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apply to Referee internationally


If an international referee wishes to apply to referee at an international contest or championships, they need to apply to the CPU Officiating Chairman using the form below.

Due to the restrictions in funding, the CPU will fund a maximum of two referees per competition as the budget will allow. Please use THIS FORM to apply for funding. Priority will be given to those referees who are in the last year of their four year mandate and need a competition to maintain their status.

All referees applying will be on a first come first serve basis.


When applying, the deadline registration will be 120 days before the first day of the competition.


When upgrading from National to Category II, or Category II to Category I, please refer to the IPF Technical Rules, page 28, #19 and #20.


National Referees that have been approved by the CPU Officiating Chairperson, and want to apply for their Category II, must apply within ninety days. This also includes upgrading from Category II to Category I.

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