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Step One: You must fill out this form at the bottom of this page, before the application deadline to the championship and meet all criteria as listed in Policy Section 16. The full qualifying details can be found on that policy page, however in short they are:



  1. ​​.You must submit an application for consideration for team positions, by the deadline posted, regardless of where you placed at Nationals. If you have difficulty in doing so, you must email the Championship Secretary CPU at well before the deadline to ask for assistance. 

  2. Applicants must apply with a total from most recent CPU National Championships in the discipline they want to apply for (ie. classic bench only for classic bench press events, equipped powerlifting for equipped powerlifting international events, etc.). An exception exists for the 2024-2025 calendar year only as outlined in the CPU policies section 16.

  3. Applicants can only apply for a team in the weight class they competed in CPU National Championships. 

  4. Applicants who are class winners from the CPU National Championships will automatically earn a spot on the team, assuming they meet application deadlines, on the national team for the above events. 

  5. If there are remaining spots on the team, additional applicants will be selected based on placing from the CPU National Championships, with all second place finishers being chosen next in descending IPF Formula order, followed by all third place finishers being chosen next in descending IPF Formula order, and continuing on with fourth, fifth, sixth, etc. 

  6. If there are remaining spots on the team, applicants that competed in an alternate age category in the same discipline as the team they’re applying for (classic powerlifting, classic bench press, or equipped bench press) at the CPU National Championships would be selected based on descending IPF Formula. These applicants must have hit the qualifying total for the age category of the team they are applying for at the CPU National Championships. 

  7. If there are remaining spots on the team after 16.2e, applicants who bombed at the CPU National Championships will be selected, provided they have a total that met the current National Qualifying from a regional or higher sanctioned event in the preceding 12 months. 

  8. If there are remaining spots on the team, applicants who competed at international events in the past 12 months in the same discipline (ie. classic bench only for classic bench press events, classic powerlifting for classic powerlifting events)will be selected, assuming they met the current year National Qualifying Standard. If more than one applicant from the previous year's International event applies for the team, they shall be chosen in descending IPF Formula order. 

  9. Once the team selection has been done based on the above criteria, weight classes must be considered to ensure there are not more than two in any weight class (according to IPF policies for the event). If a situation occurs where there is no longer any room in the weight class in which they applied for the team, these applicants will be contacted and given the option to choose an alternate available weight class to move into. Applicants will be given 48 hours to respond, and if no response is received, they will be moved onto the reserve list in the weight class they competed in. This must be done before further team placements can be made. 

  10. Final selection will be done by the CPU, according to our Bylaw and Policies.

Step Two: Team selection will take place shortly after the application deadline. If you are selected, you will be required to pay a fee of $300 to the CPU this fee is used to pay the IPF Participation and Drug Testing fee's payable for all lifters, and compensation to our team coaches.

You may be selected as an alternate, and will only lift if a regular team member is unable to compete.

You may withdraw up to 30 days before the event and be refunded. If you withdraw after that date or do not attend, you will not be refunded.

Step Three: REQUIREMENTS after selection:

  • VISAS and international travel requirements are the responsibility of the athlete/individual.

  • All athletes, coaches and officials must stay at the designated hotel. Arrangements are usually made by the CPU, and often require payment in advance. You will be informed of the complete hotel and contest details, as they vary from event to event.

  • Team members must wear an official Team Canada uniform, previous team uniforms are acceptable. Contact Rhaea Stinn of Inner Strength Products at

  • Open, Junior and Sub-Junior members of the Classic Worlds and NAPF Championships teams will be provided a full kit from SBD.  Team Canada lifters on these teams are REQUIRED to wear all provided SBD gear on the platform.

  • When possible, two team members must attend the opening ceremonies and all team members present are expected to attend the closing banquet.

  • Weight class changes are not permitted after the final entry is sent in, 21 days prior.

  • The team coach has the final say as to a lifter's attempts.

  • Any difficulties fulfilling these requirements should be presented to the CPU prior to your acceptance onto the team.

  • By completing this application, you agree with the above requirements and agree to read Sections 9 and 10 of the CPU Bylaws.

  • If you set a CPU national record at a World Championship, you must complete the CPU Record Application within 7 days of the end of the Championships.

Note: ALL communication will be done via EMAIL only, no other methods will be used.

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